Thoughts on Transformation and Transitions

The other day I watched a video of a caterpillar 🐛 turning into a chrysalis. And no this isn’t gonna be a story about the beautiful transformation of a butterfly when it emerges from the cocoon. 

This story is about the painful process of transformation and transition.

First of all, this chick had to turn herself upside down and chill out there until her insides started to swell. Then she begins the process of shedding her caterpillar skin. Basically getting rid of her old identity. She does this by wriggling and writhing and basically vomiting herself out of her old self. When I watched the video of a caterpillar setting up shop to pupate - boy did I feel seen. 

What I am saying is transformation is ugly! I am deep in some personal inquiry, shadow work and anti-racism work. At the same time I am creating a program (LINK BELOW) that is a culmination of every teaching that’s shaped and shifted me as a coach, teacher, daughter, sister and wife. Not to mention the pandemic, political climate, and navigating some real life relationships. To be completely transparent - I am shedding some old skin. 

Transformation requires fragility and sensitivity.  I have had to consciously remove myself from many conversations, social media, and limit my TV intake because I cannot shift or evolve if I have a hard shell around me. I am honoring my window of tolerance and right now that window is SMALL as I transition into Fall. I feel the need to be in a safe quiet nesting place while I am choosing to stay soft and vulnerable. 

I can only do this by turning my life upside down, experiencing uncertainty, vulnerability and solitude.

As we inch closer to Fall, in the middle of a pandemic with political and societal upheaval it's easy for us to become frustrated, angry, and uneasy. "What the hell is happening?, What am I doing with my life? Why do I put up with this?!" (sound familiar?) We feel the pain and discomfort of uncertainty and it SUCKS!

What to want to offer is that when there is transition there is transformation. Every attempt to get ground under our feet is an opportunity to wake up, and become a fuller version of ourselves. While we go through the pain of transition we can remind ourselves that with transition comes transformation. It's a time to slow down and reflect and create the conditions that nurture the fragility and beauty of your transformation.




Know what kind of party you’ve been invited to.
