Reflect on this simple, statement:
He who is of few needs
And easy to serve
Swiftly finds peace
And is already close to happiness
The more complicated we make ourselves
The more complicated is our idea of ourselves.
The more we will percieve our needs to be
The more of a burden it will be, to this planet.
Once we spend our time here pursuing those needs.
The truth is, the only real needs are food, shelter and companionship
And everything else is a bonus
One who is content with food, shelter and companionship
Treds lightly on this world
And swifty gets to the point
With only something to give back
But one who is not content enough,
Who feels they need an extraordinarily elaborate array of things in their lives to feel their life is meaningful
Makes them make a ruckus
Of their time upon this planet
Somebody asked me
Do we all have, inside of us
That pure part, that pure consciousness
And the answer is yes. - Burgs
NOTE TO SELF : a FULLfilled life and a meanIngFULL life don’t mean a life that is FULL of things and activities. We are human BEings not human DOings. Pure consciousness is here and regardless of all the ego trips I run into along the way I will still keep searching for her. #simplify #consciousness #being #backtobeing